Children may be enrolled at any time to start school at the age of 5 years old or if you have moved into the area.
We welcome 4 year olds to come and visit the Junior classroom once a month. The dates for these visits are posted in the newsletter and on the website. This gives the children an opportunity to become acquainted with our school.
You will be asked to fill out an enrolment form for health records and contact information in case of emergency. We need to sight your child’s birth certificate as part of the enrolment process also.
Elsthorpe Playgroup is for pre-school aged children and their parents in the Elsthorpe Community.
It runs on Wednesdays during term time from 9 -11:30am in the Playgroup building at the far end of Elsthorpe School (where the buses park). Come along for morning tea and a chat with like-minded parents while the kids play!
For more information call Nicola Wall on 027 5128032
Elsthorpe School offers four-year-old visits on Wednesday a month, to be advised by the school, from 9am until 11am. All four-year olds are more than welcome to attend, making their transition to school much easier. Please bring a packed lunch.
Our school is divided into 4 learning sessions.
08.55am - The school day begins
First learning session
Read and Feed
Second learning session
Morning tea
Third learning session
Lunch time
Fourth learning session
3.00pm - Buses leave
Three buses service our school. The company Go Bus is the contractor for Atua and Kahuranaki buses and they can be contacted on 858 5194. Our buses cover the following areas:
Beach Rd (Te Apiti, Kairakau beach and Mangakuri beach)
Atua (Atua and St Lawrence Roads and to the Patangata Tavern)
Kahuranaki (Kahuranaki Rd to the Waimararma bridge)
As per the school food and nutrition policy sweets are not permitted. In conjunction with the school dental service the drinking of water (as opposed to shop bought sugared drinks) is encouraged.
Lunch can be purchased every Friday. Our PAFS organization runs a Pie Day lunch order and the Patangata Tavern runs a Pub Lunch. Please check the weekly newsletter for an update as to which one is on offer. Orders are to be placed in the box on the office reception desk no later than Thursday.
At Elsthorpe school we wear our school uniform with pride. We have a compulsory school polo and a polar fleece jersey. The school colours are yellow and black and a number of sports tracksuits, rugby jerseys, T-shirts, hockey/netball skirts are owned by the school and Parents & Friends, which the children use when representing the school.
When your child is issued one of these sport uniforms and they are finished with it, please return it to the school promptly.
The school has a bucket sunhat (with school logo), school shirts (black and yellow) which can be purchased. Please see the school office to arrange uniforms.
All children’s personal clothing and equipment should be clearly and permanently named. If something is lost please contact the school to look through the lost property area. Any lost property not claimed by the end of each term is donated to a local charity.
If your child has any condition eg. allergy to bee stings, asthma etc. please advise the school and recommend treatment and any emergency procedures. Teachers keep a record of the time and type of medication to be administered at school, and it is appreciated if the medication is kept in the teachers care, for the duration of the school day.
The Public Health Nurse regularly visits our school and is based in Waipukurau. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us regarding her next visit.
Access to a dental therapist throughout the year is through the Waipukurau Dental Clinic and the Havelock North Intermediate Dental Clinic. The children have an annual appointment made for them to attend the Waipukurau Clinic or the Havelock North Intermediate Dental Clinic. Should you require to contact the Dental Therapist at any time you may contact these clinics direct